Thu 6/17: Nepalese Curry home party (GPJ Social event)

My good friend Prakash, travel & hospitality industry professional here in Japan, would like to open his home and share his cooking prowess with interested ‘GoodPeople’ for a casual get together over wine and fabulous food in Hiroo.

I can vouch for the food by the way, both Prakash’s traditional Nepalese food, and his wife’s salads and other support dishes!

Given some people on the LinkedIn thread can’t make it we should have PLENTY of room for upto 20 people.

Comments on this event from LinkedIn were good, so although Prakash moved to Hiroshima to open a Bar & Restaurant (Kemby’s), or rather take it over, renovate and re-open, we’ll have to do another like this again soon!

Some of the comments from the LinkedIn post:

“Just wanted to say it was awesome. Thanks Jason for organizing, and Prakash you are a culinary master.
Invite me over for dinner anytime! 🙂 Seriously, I had a great time, and glad to meet you all in attendance.” ! ~ P.J.

“Just also wanted to add that people at the Curry party were great! and gave me a very helpful insight to “city people” and something about massage(!). Prakash san, again, thank you for your great food, Jason -san, thank you for starting the event, and looking forward to meeting you all again soon. If anyone has not yet add me on the list, I would love to add you guys!! ” ! ~ S.S.

“Thanks Prakash and Jason, sugokatta desu yo.” ~ P.G.

“A thousand thanks to Prakash and Jason! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! ” ~ T.M.

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