Happy New Year! Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! Kotoshimo Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu!
OK, we’re all set for the GoodPeople Japan 2010 Shinnenkai. A little late perhaps in February, but I am hoping this gives you time for your schedules to quieten down so that you can come out to one of our larger events that will be great fun and where we are always “Connecting GoodPeople”!
A bit of an Aussie theme to this party, given I’m Australian and so is the Chef at 148 Hiroo, Marcus Yip.
WHAT: | GoodPeople, GoodBBQ Dinner Party! |
Dips with pita bread or toasted baguette
Marcus’s Oriental Salad Aussie BBQ (chicken and steak and sausages) Aussie beer and wine, red and white, nomihodai for two hours |
WHEN: | Friday, February 19, 2010 |
TIME: | 7.30pm, for an 8pm first service |
Meet at 7.00pm, Ebisu JR station, East Exit gates, base of stairs to Atre (inside – not outside the Small Starbucks!) OR at 148 Hiroo at 7.30pm-8pm
WHERE: | 148 Hiroo |
1-4-10 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku (on Meiji Dori), Tokyo 150-0012
Tel. 03-3440-1482
How much?: | 4,500 yen per person |
Other Details:
Restaurant URL: http://www.lovestocook.net
Restaurant Map: http://www.lovestocook.net/map.html
Restaurant details (Ebisu.biz): http://www.ebisu.biz/S34333.html (Japanese)
Here’s a quick & easy map:
The Eventbrite system I am trying again has more options for maps and info. (Widget on the right hand side of the site)
Filling up fast – if you haven’t confirmed on Facebook, LinkedIn, Eventbrite or somewhere – please let me know as soon as possible to avoid missing out!
I would like to attend the Pary on Feb 19th.
Thank you!
Kosuke Ishikawa
Hi everyone, hi ‘GoodPeople’ in Japan!
Right well, there’s been a bit of a rush on confirmations and we’re pretty much BOOKED OUT for this event. I will still need to keep on top of people’s RSVP’s and if something changes for someone then I might be able to squeeze in some people who have missed out.
Contact me to be added to a ‘Waiting List’… or see if Lyle and Marcus at 148 Hiroo can fit a couple more in… (for want of a better thing to call it!)
Remember, this is just the casual GoodPeople Japan Shinnenkai (seems like a good idea to have a late one, as more people are available!).
Normally events are small, like me introducing two people, or someone proposing a subject of interest and others jumping in and confirming they’d like to meet people and network around that subject too.
So what are you interested in? What would you like to network with like minded GoodPeople around?
GoodPeople Japan .. on LinkedIn…
All the best for the first year of the 20 10’s!
“Connecting GoodPeople”
Hey Jason, the Shinnenkai event was a great success – I had to sit outside for a while to cool off! Great food and drink (but were those really Aussie sausages?!)
Such a large group on a Friday night says a lot about what business people in Japan are looking for – or maybe it really was those sausages after all? 🙂
Thanks and Regards
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