The main opportunity of GPJ is for members to propose their own event themes (or just a loose subject to meet around).
I’ll keep organizing small get-togethers around the common theme of ‘Connecting GoodPeople’, but I’m also here to help you kick something off. Propose it, then work with me to get it out there to see who else is interested in the same subject.
Perhaps you want to meet other IT professionals, or MBA’s, or perhaps you want to meet others with kids in Tokyo, you might want to meet people around the theme of minimizing tax in Japan, ‘Viral Marketing’ & Social Media, or you might want to meet people around the business opportunity represented by Mobile devices & Apps…
… whatever it is, it is only the loose subject to meet and connect with like minded GoodPeople around. You don’t need to speak or organize a speaker (but you can, we can most likely find one), there doesn’t need to be structure or a whiteboard (but why not, if you need one or think the subject warrants it) – just propose it, propose something.
I’m not going to do it all for you, but I will help you put it together and will help point people I know to the event who are, like us all, busy, maybe not often on LinkedIn, let alone in Groups, so they know it’s being proposed and they can decide whether to attend.
For more ideas, look at the list here:
If you’re ready to meet ‘GoodPeople’ in Japan now…
START: Propose a subject NEXT: With interest, solidify style of meet up, location, broad time of day, roughly, when… FINALIZE: As numbers grow and you get me to get the word out, finalize Date & Day, Time & Location CONFIRM: Attendees, venue & everything What are you waiting for?!